Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am a cyborg

I am a cyborg
By my definition a cyborg is a human that relies on technology to live or survive. Much like a critically injured man relies on a respirator or life support machine to keep his heart beating. Although my title suggests that I can’t do without most modern technology to survive the truth is I do need it to live. I do not need a cell phone or the internet to survive however it does make living much easier. Most modern technology is taken for granted to the point where they don’t seem like a necessity until you have to do without them for any extended period of time.
Many people that think they can’t live with much of the technology they use on an everyday basis don’t realize how well they were doing before they became addicted; however I can also blame myself for the exact same thoughts. Since there is now an abundance of information, any random question that pops into my head can be answered within minutes or even seconds depending on my connection speed. Long gone are the days of thumbing through several encyclopedias and still not being able to find the answer to your question. I bought my first cell phone at the age of eight-teen so I can still remember how frustrating it was missing an important call as soon as you leave the house or how difficult it was to meet someone in a public place without any confusion. So being that important calls and instant information are now a way of life I must say this technology is necessary to live, or at least live comfortably.
Much of our modern technological advance are so embedded in our everyday life that we don’t realize how much we use things such as automatic sliding doors or elevators

1 comment:

  1. i think you can use some other devices to explain if you want. Example metro card computer etc.
